Džemal Čelić: The bridges of Herzegovina
... Bridges are also a matter of admiration. One should remember thoughts of some poets and globetrotters, inspired by the Old Bridge. Those who, in the numeral value of the words “Miraculous arch”; discovered the year of its creation; through lyrics in the notebooks of the poet and statesman Derviš Pasha Bajezidagić Mostar-man, who compared it with a rainbow; lyrics of our poets whop sang in oriental languages under pseudonyms of Tabi, Medžazi, Hulki and Husami; travelers hajji Kalfa and Evli Celebi; of Frenchman Poullet to whom this building was
“without doubt more daring and impressive than Rialto in Venice”;
to Wilkinson, Gillferding, Evans and others.
True, other bridges did not draw such attention as the Old Bridge of Mostar, which does not mean that they do not, in the complete valorization of our cultural heritage.
And to prove it so, at the end I will quote a thought of Robert Michel, well-known as a writer of a monograph on Mostar, and who, in less-known paper on bridges in Bosnia and Herzegovina, says:
“If you compare the most beautiful bridges of German Empire... with bridges in Bosnia and Herzegovina, one may conclude that these two regions are more abundant with beautiful old bridges that all German regions all together.”